2019 PBS-USA Newsletter announcing their commissioning of the 1662:IE

Above image: "Impressio Librorum" * (Details below.)

A New Global Edition
of the Classical
1662 Book of Common Prayer

Throughout the Anglican world, the 1662 BCP is recognized as the touchstone of Anglican faith and worship.

Where many newer liturgies are vague or misleading, it is theologically clear.

Where their language is banal, it rings with quiet conviction.
Where they present a jumble of alternatives, it leads the worshipper with simplicity and usability.

Yet, astonishing as it may seem, a truly global Anglican edition of the 1662 Prayer Book – one for use in worship outside England (and a small number of other other countries with their own national editions of the 1662 BCP) – has never been published.

With your help, The Prayer Book Society has an opportunity to help publish and distribute such a truly global Anglican edition of the 1662 Prayer Book, with these features:

  • No change in theology,
no bowdlerization of language, no messing with its usability

  • Handsomely produced (in traditional red and black ink),
designed for use in worship (not just for academic study or literary pleasure)

  • some modest updating of archaic spelling and language
e. g. "shew" replaced with "show"; "leasing" with "falsehood"

  • a very affordable price (approx. $25-30)

  • including all the elements of the present 1662, including the Thirty Nine Articles of Religion, but with politically-neutral formulations for state prayers

As enhancements it will also include as appendices:

  • the Homily on Justification (to which the Articles refer)
and the Canon on the Use of the Cross in Baptism

  • occasional prayers composed since 1662
which are consistent with its style and doctrine

  • the 1961 Daily Office Lectionary
(based on the church year, rather than the civil year) as an alternative.

  • A glossary of terms

  • Some guidance to customs in using the BCP in worship

To make this happen, the PBS would need to commit to purchasing 2000 copies in advance for eventual resale and distribution – an investment of $50 or $60,000.

Is this a project that you support?
Is it one you can help us with?
Please consider making a pledge of support today.

You can make a (tax deductible) donation right now
in support of this work !

Checks too remain entirely welcome,
just make them out to the PBS USA and post to 1 West Macon St. savannah GA 31401

And while you are here
remember to book your place
(with an early booking discount)
for the

PBS Anglican Way Conference


(From midday on 24th-26th October at St John's Savannah)

* Details regarding the image at the top of the page:

I mpressio Librorum (Book Printing),
being plate 4 from the Nova Reperta
(New Inventions of Modern Times), c. 1580–1605,
an engraving by Theodoor Galle
after a drawing by Jan van der Straet, c. 1550;
in the British Museum.

(So this is not in fact image of the PBS Board at work)

1 W. Macon St.  Savannah, GA 31401  703-349-1346  www.pbsusa.org Anglicanway.org 