7/28/19 Links of note
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- Who knows what's next!
- DSM-Based therapy is not scientific, but social?
- Answer--as with Josh Harris/ Crystal Lewis/Bachelorette issue--is reclaiming identity, and by extension Sacraments: (Meyendorff - Marriage: An Orthodox Perspective)
- Polyamory, Trans, and pro abortion Christian Festival. All were taboo ~3 years ago
- Think more on Social Acceleration
- 1. "technical acceleration, that is, the intentional acceleration of goal-directed processes";2. "acceleration of social change, that is, the escalation of the rate of social change with respect to associational structures, knowledge (theoretical, practical, and moral), social practices, and action orientations";3. "acceleration of the pace of life represents a reaction to the scarcity of (uncommitted) time resources. This is why, on the one hand, it is expressed in the experience of stress and a lack of time, and, on the other, it can be defined as an increase in the number of episodes of action and/or experience per unit of time."
- https://cpg.doc.ic.ac.uk/individual-risk/ - test to see if healthcare provider sold your information
We specifically covered millennials, their curated lives, and their demand for excellence in all things.We then broke out into four separate sessions which explained these four activities in greater depth.Bishop Chad led the session on liturgy:Fr. Paul Rivard led the session on education:Fr. Mark Menees led the session on spiritual direction:Fr. Glenn Spencer led the session on fellowship
Christianity Josh Harris
- Joshua Harris gave up the Ghost, and the wife of 20 years; the wife concurs on former and latter. Many news outlets because of him forming most of the Purity Movement of Bible Churches in the 90s and 2000s
- This is within a year of graduating seminary (a sponsored sabbatical, IIRC?), and after 10 as senior pastor.
- Deconversion narrative to come.
- West Coast/Vancouver culture 'virtue signalling' abounds; standard issue liberated North American.
- See also Crystal Lewis' end of 28-year, alongside Orange County spirituality and therapy culture / Brené Brown pop religion
- "Josh Harris just shows that it's too damn hard to be a Protestant. You have to be your own Pope and magisterium. You have to reconcile everything, and that is exhausting. Not to mention he seems to have taken a fundamentalist approach to things, a fundamentalist approach that He Made Up Himself - one that has never been the Christian position. He was starting his own religion, or movement. It's hard to do that, its exhausting." http://disq.us/p/23dpc3o
- Picture at top Via Rod: The Rochester Cathedral is England’s second-oldest. There has been Christian worship on this site since the year 604, though the present cathedral building dates to 1080. Miniature golf in the nave dates to A.D. 2019.
- We are at the precipice of the fall of an empire. "There is no need for cathedrals where there are no Christians."
- Again with Rod: How We Drive Christians Away From The Church
- "Underneath all the singing and the chest-thumping among Evangelicals, there is a tremendous amount of existential dread. Unlike Catholicism or Orthodoxy, there’s no liturgy, hardly even any traditional Protestant hymns anymore (thanks Hillsong.) It’s purely the culture around it, with some ideas about the Bible borrowed from Baptists who are themselves being transformed by the culture. Therefore, what Evangelicalism is preserving, much more than a religion, is yesteryear’s way of life.""This is why Evangelicals can’t fight battles very well. They seek to defend not only a code of rules and rituals but an intrinsically transient status quo. Because they lack historical consciousness, the older ones confuse midcentury revivalist America with Christianity as a whole. The younger ones, trying with no transcendent values to assimilate to a decadent and nihilistic culture, adopt many of the secular values themselves.""One last thought: I wonder if things would be different with younger Evangelicals and the church, regarding Trump, if their leaders did not embrace Donald Trump as Falwell Jr. has done — without qualification or reservation — and instead supported him as a kind of tragic choice. What if they explained that in their judgment, the situation facing Christians in America is such that they feel compelled to throw their support behind the kind of man they admit they would have rejected in the past? What if they said to the young that life is complicated and tragic, and that we aren’t always offered clear choices between good and evil? To me, that’s a more comprehensible and understandable rationale for supporting Trump than the rah-rah cheerleading that many in the conservative Evangelical leadership have been giving. It wouldn’t convince some of the young tempted to leave in disgust, but who knows? It might. It would take much of the sting out of the charge of hypocrisy."
- Compare and contrast, the case of the Bachelorette and subsequent comment