An East Asian Orthodox Altar

Clip source: An East Asian Orthodox Altar

An East Asian Orthodox Altar

An Instructional Mock-Up of Our Diocesan Altar
By Bp. Joseph (Missionary Diocese of East and Southeast Asia in the Anglican Vicariate)
A Chinese Altar

The above picture is a sample altar for our East Asian Mission, containing some of the oldest witnesses to Christianity in Asia, including the Tang Dynasty Stele Cross (唐代景教十字), the Yangzhou Theotokos (明代扬州圣母像), the Sinai Pantocrator (锡安山耶稣像), and the ancient "horned altar" which the Chinese once used in the Zhou Dynasty (周朝) to propitiate the Lord of Heaven (天上皇帝). The altar lamps are also in the ancient style, burning oil like the ancient biblical menorah in the Hebrew temple. This oil reminds us of Christ’s mercy, which is the source of our salvation, and lampada oil from the sanctuary has always been used by Orthodox Christians for the anointing of the sick. The tabernacle for reserves of the Holy Gifts is a small shrine used traditionally in China to hold the the Ancient Ancestor Names (祖名碑), a black wooden tablet on which all the names of the family ancestors were written and kept in a place of respect. Now these tablets are written on the insides of the doors, so that the priest may commemorate the Faithful Dead during the Liturgy. When an Asian person sees this altar and hears the stories behind each part, they remember that God loves them and that He never forgot or forsook His beloved children in the the East.

The Ancient Hymn to the Holy Trinity Used During the Consecration of Our East Asian Altars (from approximately AD 750)

The highest heavens deeply revere and worship you,

All upon earth once again experience peace,

The true nature of humanity has found its resting place—

The merciful father of all, A-luo-he.

All who are good offer their most sincere reverence,

All who are wise sing praises,

All who know the truth draw close and look up to you,

They receive your merciful light and are saved from the devils.

It is difficult to find such infinite righteousness, truth, and steadfastness—

The merciful Father, bright Son, and purifying Spirit King.

You are the king of kings among all kings.

You will be recognized as lord of all on earth.

You live eternally in an infinite realm,

But your bright authority sees into all bordered states,

From the beginning none have seen you,

But from seeing the visible they know of the Invisible.

Only you are completely pure and moral,

Only you have authority and power without equal,

Only you are unchanged and eternal,

You, the source of all that is good, is without limit.

We now praise your merciful grace,

And are grateful for your wondrous news shining on this country;

Mi-shi-he the great divine Son honored by all,

You have saved countless millions from the realm of endless suffering.

The immortal merciful and joyous lamb king,

Did not avoid hardships but took on the suffering of all,

To forgive the accumulated sins of all people,

To protect our true nature by paying the price.

The Divine Son sits at the right of the Father,

His throne is far above all.

May the master pray on behalf of all,

And send a raft lest we drift in rivers of flame.

The master is my merciful Father,

The master is my divine lord,

The master is my king,

The master saves all.

The master’s wisdom and strength help all who are weak,

And all eyes look to you without drifting,

You rain dew on all that are parched,

And all the good roots which are watered will grow.

All honor the great holy Mi-shi-he,

I praise the merciful Father whose love is deep as the sea,

The great holy one and the Pure Wind,

Are alike in their sovereignty, holiness, and are beyond our understanding.
(Translation by the Chinese Christian Council, from the "Hymns of Universal Praise")












Collect for East Asian Missions
LET us pray for the extension of Christ's Kingdom throughout the whole world, and most especially, for the work of God in East Asia.

Priest: Declare His honors unto the unbelievers;

People: And His wonders unto all the people!

O GOD of all nations of the earth, remember the multitude of the people in East Asia, who though created in Thy image, are ignorant of Thy love; and, according to the propitiation of Thy Son Jesus Christ, grant that by the prayers and labors of Thy Holy Church they may be delivered from all superstition and unbelief, and brought to worship Thee; through Him whom Thou hast send to be our salvation, the Resurrection and the Life of all faithful people, the same Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.