Book Review: “Who is My Neighbor? An Anthology in Natural Relations” — The North American Anglican – Positive Infinity

The thing that American conservatives of all types have missed in the whole business of "betters" is that the events of the 1960’s and beyond were only a rejection of authority in appearance but not reality. The ultimate goal was to replace one set of authorities with another or, as Mao Tse-Tung would say, "one class overthrows another." Unfortunately our revolution is not from the bottom but from the top; it involves the replacement of one elite with another, and not an improvement either.

Anglicanism, which is authoritarian by nature having a "chain of command" from the King or Queen downward, is at sea when the authorities are not univocal, which is a large part of the mess the Anglican/Episcopal world finds itself in.

One alternative from the Scots-Irish world is a clan family structure, as opposed to the authoritarian WASP model. It’s not an improvement for the advancement of society but, in times of uncertainty, it’s more durable.