Many years later, he heard some of Inigo’s last...

Many years later, he heard some of Inigo’s last words in the film again — "I have been in the revenge business so long, now that’s over, I do not know what to do with the rest of my life" — and he heard them quite differently. "As a young man," Patinkin says, "I think I was in a bit of the revenge business for too many years of my life. And, you know, somewhere in the past 10 years, I stopped being so angry and started being a little more grateful, literally for the sunrise and the sunsets and my kids and my family and the gifts I’ve been given. And then I saw that movie, the end of that movie. I didn’t see the whole thing, I just caught the end of it, and I heard that line. And as a young man I remember saying it, I went back and looked at my script to see what notes I’d put in, and I really didn’t have any notes for that line. I just said it, and I didn’t realize what I was saying. And then I heard it as a grown up or whatever you want to call me, and it — it meant everything to me today."
- Mandy Patinkin: 25 Years After ‘The Princess Bride,’ He’s Not Tired Of That Line : Monkey See : NPR