Thread by @patjamthom
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Clip source: Thread by @patjamthom
Patrick Thomas
6 Sep, 12 tweets, 4 min read
Look at these croziers. The one in the middle depicts Saint Michael.

Chalice from the 6th century used for the Eucharist

Polyptych from the 15th century

More chalices for the Eucharist, censers, and a dove that once was was likely over an altar (probably 5th or 6th century)

Byzantine lectionary, likely made for use in the Hagia Sophia

The Antioch Chalice, once thought by some to be the Holy Grail

A bread stamp that reads: Jesus Christ Victorious. Likely used in the Divine Liturgy (500-900).

Two icons from the early 15th century (the Baptism and the Anastasis)

Caravaggio’s Denial of Saint Peter completed in 1610 (picture doesn’t do it justice)

Things I still remember from the Islam course with Dr. Carle at The King’s College: the Mihrab (one of the most important elements of any Mosque - a prayer niche facing Mecca)

Leaving you with these plaques of Saints Peter and Paul (6th century)

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