Women in Holy Orders: A Response

A paper just published by the Anglican Diocese of the Living Word (ACNA), refuting the recent work of ACNA theologians Grant LeMarquand and William Witt on the question of women's ordination. Having only given the paper a cursory glance, it appears to be yet another instance of the kind of exegetical wars we've witnessed between Protestant innovator and Protestant defender of the status quo. That is to say, it is a debate centered on biblical interpretation, with scant interest in the Church's tradition. This is to be expected. Dr. Witt justifies his innovation on the fact that he is a "Reformation Christian" who is simply discovering new light breaking forth from Scripture, while Bishop Dobbs and his Canon theologian are responding with biblical arguments refuting those set forth by LeMarquand and Witt.

While I am always happy to see Protestant defenders of the status quo go up against the innovators on this question, it always seems to me to be a case of a frantic Dr. Frankenstein trying to outmanuever his own monster. Witt is right to see his argument for women's ordination as "Reformational", for the Protestant Reformation effectively untethered biblical interpretation from Catholic faith and practice, resulting in wave after wave of innovation on all sorts of matters of faith and practice since the 16th century.

I will add this article to my right sidebar list of anti-WO works and sources below.

via Embryo Parson

March 5, 2020 at 02:08PM

Source: http://www.oldjamestownchurch.com/blog/2020/3/5/women-in-holy-orders-a-response.html