Works on the 39 Articles of Religion
This page will be updated A far more expansive list: Alexander Penrose Forbes (add bio)Vol 1:Download PDFVol 2: Do...
This page will be updated A far more expansive list: Alexander Penrose Forbes (add bio)Vol 1:Download PDFVol 2: Do...
"Michael Younan’s "The Book of My Language ‘Assyrian’ " is the best way to learn to read and write Assyrian. Assyrian alphabet, spelling, grammar, handwriting, and history." Download PDF
The day of light; the Biblical and liturgical meaning of Sunday : Harry Boone Porter : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
This has been one of my favorite reference books on the 39 Articles. 1) it is short and clear per article. 2) it depends upon the Latin of the Articles editions:ENa5jamrULkC
The Psalms of David: Pointed to the Eight Gregorian Tones as Given in the ... - Catholic Church, George Henry Palmer - Google Books
The Cure of Souls: A Manual for the Clergy, Based Chiefly Upon English and ... - William Walter Webb - Google Books
A companion for the penitent, and for persons troubled in mind, etc - John KETTLEWELL - Google Books What people are saying - Write a review We haven'...
Clip source: Francis J. Hall’s Dogmatic Theology | Prydain Volume I: IntroductionDownload PDFVolume II: AuthorityDownload PDFVolume III: Being and Attributes of GodDownload PDFVolume IV: The Trini...
Cf. at previously posted / (2)UnEnglish and Unmanly: Anglo-Catholicism...
(PDF) The Sacraments of the Assyrian Church of the East | Mar Awa Royel - The Sacraments of the Assy...
" The file I have linked to this post contains the complete Ordinary and Psalter pointed, the Sarum antiphoners for Mattins and Evensong/Compline, and two books of pointed hymns from the Sarum brev...
Gospel Book to be Released 2021, PDF Available Now - The Anglican Church in North America The Liturgy Task Force has an...
Clip source: Simple English Propers | Church Music Association of America Simple English PropersThis is the home of Simple English Propers, a project and book by Adam Bartlett. This extraordinary w...
The Elements of plainsong; compiled from a series of lectures delivered before the members of the Plainsong and Mediaeval Music Society : Briggs, Henry Bremridge, d. 1901 : Free Download, Borrow, a...
Additional settings of certain of the Canticles at Mattins and Evensong adapted from Sarum service-books : Palmer, G. H : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
The Mind Of The Oxford Movement : Owen Chadwick : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive The Mind Of The Oxford Movement Item ... Publication date 1966 ...
Clip source: (PDF) Journeying Onwards: An Overview of the Liturgical Books in Western-Rite Orthodoxy | Jack Turner Journeying Onwards: An Overview of the Liturgical Books in Western-Rite Orthodoxy ...
The Orthodox Western Rite and the Liturgical Tradition of Western Orthodox Christianity with reference to the Orthodox Missal, Saint Luke's Priory Press, Stanton, NJ, 1995. by the Rev'd John Charle...
Sung on Holy Saturday in place of the Cherubic HymnDownload PDF
Download PDF Experiments on the communion cupExtract Experiments were made to find out whether the common communion cup is likely to serve as a vehicle for the transmission of infection. A silver c...